Leather Care | beautiful people

beautiful people

Leather items that you want to use for a lifetime.

However, you may find difficult to handle this delicate material and look for advice about daily care and maintenance.

We will introduce the maintenance of such leather items in an easy-to-understand way.

Easy maintenance with leather care cream

Remove surface dust and dirt with a soft cloth or brush.

Take a small amount of the special cream on a soft cloth and apply it evenly.

Wipe with a polishing cloth after the cream has dried.

When cream is completely dry, hang it on a hanger and store it in garment case.


*Cannot be used for products other than the target product.

*Some special materials may stain or discolor, so please test on an inconspicuous area first.

* Do not use on damp leather.

beautiful people LEATHER ITEMS



Q: What is the simplest way to maintain leather goods in daily?

A: Wipe off any dirt or dust on the leather with a soft cloth (a worn T-shirt is OK). The color of leather may fade when it is new, please avoid using with light-colored clothes as much as possible.


Q: How to remove the oil floats on the leather?

The oil is blown in during the tanning process. Please wipe off with a dry cloth.


Q: The leather got wet in a sudden rain.

A: First, lightly shake to remove water droplets and wipe the surface gently with a dry cloth. Then rub the hardened area with your hands gently.


Q: The leather smelled after I went to a yakiniku (barbecue) restaurant. Can I use fabric deodorizer to remove the smell?

There is no problem using only for the lining and be sure not to spray on the leather part. If the deodorizer gets on the leather, it may cause mold.


Q: Is it able to use shoe cream?

A: We recommend using the cream that made specifically for leather while there is no problem using the clear type of shoe cream. Test on an inconspicuous area before using, especially for light-colored leather.


Q: Please tell me how to store the leather when the season is off.

A: Avoid stacking and select a place with low temperature, low in humidity, and good ventilation for storage. Mold may grow if you leave the leather in a place has high humidity for a long time. Also, the oil tends to be insufficient so please replenish mink oil occasionally.


Q: The lining is torn. Can you repair for me?

A: It depends on the condition of the item; we will deal with that as much as possible. Please contact us.


Q: I am worrying about the dirt on the lining. Is it possible to wash?

A: Washing (including using benzene) may cause the leather to lose its color or become hardened. Please consult with laundry that specializes in leather.


beautiful people recommends the following vendor.

Please contact directly for more information as prices vary depending on the state.


TEL: 042-336-5411


Maintenance of THE/s Rider’s Jacket

beautiful people LEATHER ITEMS